My new book De/Faced will be released next month in conjunction with a new solo exhibit at the Walt Girdner Studio & Gallery in Pasadena. De/Faced focuses on the faces I photographed on city walls. As I wandered through the city streets, I was drawn to faces more often than not. Faces on a city wall are, metaphorically “selfies” created without a camera and are part of the overall composition and mystery of each wall. …
Bill Wishner / Visual Hunter
my images confront visual mysteries; I cannot explain or solve them for the viewer For More Information on Exhibition Events & RSVP Information the Visual Hunter / October 2019 My new book De/Faced will be released next month in conjunction with a new solo exhibit at the Walt Girdner Studio & Gallery in Pasadena. De/Faced focuses on the faces I photographed on city walls. As I wandered through the city streets, I was drawn to …

The two newest things happening to the Visual Hunter are exhibits at Photo Independent 2017 here in Los Angeles and a solo show at AC Gallery in Hollywood. Both give me a chance to show some older work as well as an exciting introduction into the collection of my abstracts. These are abstracts derived from the wall photography shot over the past few years. So, whats coming…my first publication of “Art of the City Wall” …

“Great art – is when you look at it, experience it and it stays in your mind. I don’t think conceptual art and traditional art are all that different” Damian Hirst In the streets…is where I find new photographic art outside of the traditional centers of city art art not readily apparent to the casual observer …visually buried in plain sight I search out and shoot unique visual combinations that when processed and printed become …

The public needs art – and it is the responsibility of a ‘self-proclaimed artist’ to realize that the public needs art, and not to make bourgeois art for a few and ignore the masses. -Keith Haring Involvement Art is at its best when it pulls you in and involves you in its visual solution In galleries and museums we are spoon fed the interpretations We are told this art or that is important for one …

The camera has always been a guide, and it’s allowed me to see things and focus on things that maybe an average person wouldn’t even notice. -Don Chadwick WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get WYSIWYG in photography implies the viewer will see something very similar to what the photographer saw reframed for Art of the City Wall series WYSIWIS What you see is what I shot I add or remove nothing to the …

col·lab·o·ra·tionkəˌlabəˈrāSH(ə)n / nounthe action of working with someone to produce or create something. Behind the doors and walls…who is there? … I don’t know Who puts the posters on the walls? … then tears them down Who writes the unintelligible letters? … only they fully understand Who draws the figures? … in juxtaposition one to the other Who writes the words on the walls? … all too soon to be erased Who scribbles their names? …

The whole point of taking pictures is so that you don’t have to explain things with words.― Elliott Erwitt No one would ever believe that Jackson Pollack casually poured paint on his canvases without artistic intent. So it is for the “Art of the City Wall” now getting ready for it’s first gallery show of 2016 here in Pasadena. By artistic intent I capture the visual environment of our cities that would go unrecognized by …

What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce. – Karl Lagerfeld The pictures above are titled “N 400.” The picture on left was taken in 2011; the right taken two years later…2013 The art of the city wall is by its very nature… ethereal…tenuous modified…from its original form and intent challenged…by authority…and as art prosecuted…as trespass whitewashed…finally as gentrification clears its walls

“All photographers have to do, is find and catch the story-telling moment” – Alfred Eisenstaedt Like a hunter in the wild I prevision my prey Then scout the wilds to capture the art wild lurking, unnoticed in the jungles of our cities Carrying my artistic prey back to my workbench I translate my catch to paper immortalizing the urban artistic presence …soon to disappear from its native lands Only then can my narrative begin to take shape …